Tuesday, June 5, 2012


1.1     Definition of Descriptive Paragraph
Descriptive paragraph is paragraph which expresses or describes place, thing and person in such vivid detail that the readers can easily visualize the described place, thing and person, or can feel that they involve in the experience.
Some descriptive paragraphs may be technical, for instance, describing about things or place such as car or classroom; on the other hand, it may describe an event or a place and include more figurative language (simile, metaphor etc.) or describe felling or emotion. Therefore, before writing a descriptive paragraph, it is important to consider the purpose and the audience.
Exercise:  can you define what a descriptive paragraph is?
1.2    Generic Structure
      Descriptive paragraph is intended to describe place, person, and thing so that the reader will be able to visualize the descriptions. Writing descriptive paragraph, generally, you have to regard as the following generic structure of descriptive paragraph:  
a.      Identification
Identification is a part in which you identify or write the recognition; moreover, it can be a general statement about place, person, or thing that you want to describe.
b.      Descriptions
Descriptions are vivid detail of place, person, or thing that you want to describe so that the reader can easily imagine or picture the descriptions, or they can feel that they involve in the experience. 
c.      Conclusion
The last part of descriptive paragraph is optional (i.e. it may be included or not). In this part, you conclude the paragraph or restate the identification or general statement.

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